Inexperienced Fishers

 There are a few things that bother me about inexperienced fishers. These are things you should know when fishing with other people or in a public place.


When fishing in a public place with people it is important to maintain your distance from other fishers. Stand 50 feet away from someone else so you both have space. It is very Irritating when someone comes and stands too close to you and your fishing area. This distance also prevents lines getting crossed. Nothing gets me angrier than crossing my line with someone who does not know what they are doing.

Sound Level

Fishing is a quiet activity. If you are with your friends then do what you want, but not in a public place. being too loud can scare fish away and it is annoying. Also, do not put your pole in the water or hit the water with your pole. It is surprising how many unexperienced fishers will do this to try to get attention. It will do nothing but anger the people around you.

Know The Basic

When going fishing with someone at least have an idea of what you are doing. It is annoying to have to constantly tie on a new hook for someone you are fishing with because you cannot. Also, learn how to take a fish off the hook so you do not have to ask someone every time you get a fish. I have had to take fish off for people so many times and it gets very old, very fast.


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